I met this girl on facebook she's going to college with me in the fall and...?


New member
Feb 22, 2009
We talked for an hour on facebook and then she had to go and gave me her cell number and told me to text her so i did giving her my number and when she got back from what she had to do she texted me and we've talked for about 3 and a half hours now...and it's 1:15 in the morning and we're still talking...

Does this mean she likes me? I mean like want to date me? We're about an hour and a half a part... when should i ask her out on a date? I mean idk what she's thinking. Help me out?
Well, shes obviously interested in you. Just take it slow, otherwise she'll get freaked out. Hang out a few times before going on a date, that way its not awkward when you do and it gives her some time to think about it, because in my experience girls love to think about things first. lol
She obviously likes you, but maybe she just wants to have a friend when she gets to college. Just continue to talk over the summer and see what happens when September comes.
yeah she really likes you. she definitely wants to date you. before you get off the phone say, hey we should hang out sometime. meet up half way maybe and do something? go for it!!
Im sure she is interested in you or would not have even given you her number. And she has seen what you look like so im sure she likes how you look or would not even be talking to you :) So yes, being a girl, I would assume that she likes you and I would say go for it and ask her out. Just say so would you like to do something sometime or something like that. Good luck!
Keep in touch. Wait for college and find her.

If you live an hour and a half away now isn't the best time to start a relationship.