I married a Philippino?

Feb 15, 2008
We met and married in Kuwait. I am concerned about her comming to the states. She already has the visa, and been to the states on vacation but she is extreamly shy, and speeks broken english. I already know that her Philippine education (4 year BA) will not be reconized in the states. And she says that she wants to work. What can I do for her to help her get a good job.
Hi! My husband is half fillipino, and his mom and siblings came over to Canada in the 70's.. As long as she has her work visa she could get a job p/t and also go to school for her BA from back home. It is aweful that she has to do it again, but if its her true passion, then it should be a breeze this time around. It is unclear what her BA is in so I cant really give you specifics.. But congrats on your marriage!
ESL classes for one if she has a hard time with English. If she is able to understand English well enough, many state colleges and universities will allow competency exams in order for advanced placement in school. This might help since her BA will not be recognized. Could get an AA/AS or work towards another BA that would be recognized.
Bring her here- get her in some English classes - then she will be able to find her a job. Maybe as a translator somewhere?
Improving on her English will go a long way towards giving her a bit of confidence. She can enroll on an English course for speakers of other languages. While on the course, she can explore employment opportunities in the US so that by the time she finishes her English course, she'll know what career direction she wishes to take. Rushing to get a job may result in her being stuck in low paying jobs for a long time. She needs to think long term.If she really wants to work, then she can get a part time job while studying English. Good luck.
Get her a tutor to help her become more comfortable with her English. My mom is also filipino and speaks english as if she was born here because my father (an american) taught her well. Give her time also, it's a huge change. Even something small as properly delivering a joke is difficult when it isn't your 1st language. It would be worth it to send her back to school. Get her involved in a local filipino association/group to boost her confidence, they can give her great advice on the change she's experiencing. If she is interested in health care at all she could always work as an aide, or she could just to get some extra cash. In my area there are LOTS of filipinos in that field (my mom and myself included).
It would be training at the call center hun. Broken english though.. hrm.. how broken? Call Center jobs start at 8.00 hourly minimum with open over time and besides that Housekeeping is nice.. have her in Temp jobs like sosstaffing.com or hunteremployment.com or whatever is in your area/state. Are you two planning to marry in the United States for her to have a Social Security Card. Working in the call center for Sprint or T-mobile or AT&T (make sure its customer service which is easier) can haver her start going... and she just needs to learn how to type 15+ wpm. Or places like Chucky Cheese to dress up in the costume suprisingly makes alot of money. And Filipino? I am half filipino, german, scot, irish, and English and now I know that the most money your wife will make is by making filipino food and advertising it for pruchase in a SuperShopper magazine or newspaper or out in the corner of your house... etc.. here are just few ideas... P.S. some temp agencies DO recognize Degrees from foreign countries and they do testing of skills. There's filipinos in Kuwait?