I love someone who isn't in my religion, any help here?


New member
Sep 2, 2008
Please don't tell me to convert. That is disrespectful to the religion i have been part since day one. The guy seems like very faithful to his religion (christianity) and i'm not sure if society will accept that.. How do I overcome it.

I mean can accept him being a different religion and go to his church and he could go to mine etc etc.. would that work out? But when it comes to kid.. my parents want them to be my religion over his and his parents want them to be his religion over mine...

what do i do? I cant just leave him..
Many, many, many, many, many interfaith couples have made their relationships work in spite of the obstacles of difficult family members and cultural differences.
Respect his own religious beliefs and make sure he respects yours. You don't have to be of the same religion to be in a relationship.