I like a married man and just want to vent...?


New member
Nov 24, 2011
I do not want to like him nor have I ever made a move nor will I ever. I am not that kind of a person. He and I work together and see each other everyday since he works right behind me. He is the one who always comes up to me and we talk at work everyday. Maybe that is why this happened. He gave me a hershey kiss and said, "here is a kiss" as in actual kiss. Then I told him I applied to a job in another state and he said that he will apply to the same organization so that "we can be neighbors." we are the only ones there of the same ethnicity and faith. Maybe he just means to be friendly but he knows i am single so he shouldn't talk to me that much. I will never do anything at all to lure him in. I just wanted to vent and see what you all think? It will be better if he just stops talking to me but he works right behind me....
Please,please do not call me names or anything of that sort because like I said, I will NEVER do anything at all to lure him in. I don't even go up to him at all. I just think he is being friendly - I don't think he likes me because he is married! How can he! I've never liked a married man. I do not want anything from him. I'm just hurt and want to vent.....
Thank you for your responses and advice.
you have nothing to worry about since your have no intention of carrying it farther, smart girl. why be hurt, over something that's never going to happen anyway.
Remind him that he has a wife - every time he says or does something that makes you uncomfortable. Otherwise you will end up crossing the line and he will too.
You're playing with fire. It's up to you to put a stop to this and let him know (even if you don't mean it) that you aren't interested. Just because he talks to you, doesn't mean you have to talk to him. Keep your conversations with him very brief and business like. If he says inappropriate things to you, then just ask him, "What do you think your wife would say, if she heard you say that to me?"

Women don't have a problem giving a man the cold shoulder and letting him know she's not interested in being involved with a married man. Why are you having a problem with this?