I keep telling you but few listen....

Well, thats the zombies taken care of.
But.. what about when the cleaners are sent out, I dont think it would be a search and rescue mission!.
OH Gee, better to worry about the bad people who are not zombies, than the zombies themselves

Of course you can be zombie-ready, but if you are one to get infected, oh well, all of yor preparation is bye bye
My plan of action post zombie apocolypse:

1.) Use existing arsenal to steal guns, ammo, camping gear, rations, and medical supplies (in that order).
2.) Meet up with equally armed friends (now accepting applications).
3.) Harden defenses in a compound.
4.) When food stocks run low, hunt and hit the Mormon homes to steal their food surplus. (Mormons are expected to keep a years worth of dried goods in their homes.)


1.) Get bitten by zombie.
2.) Locate human brains.
Not quite.
But, while we are at it, if you think you could suddenly trust everyone you came across, good luck with that. At least the zombies would remain predictable lol.
You would be prepared to welcome all would you, where do you draw the line.

If we are to play this game, we would be talking about widespread infection, maybe even airborne, and for the sake of convenience lol, a lifespan for the virus.
The continuance of gov and military, lets say they take a few thousand underground for 3 months or so, they arent just going to open the doors after 3 months and inhale the fresh air lol.
And if they had been watching many get eaten lol, they would have a power source and access to cameras etc throughout city i dont have to remark on obvious things do i, they very well might come to the conclusion to sweep the area clean, no survivors.

Nothing is out of the question, we are posting on a zombie thread after all
In this respect I'm lucky to live in Australia. I don't think the Australian armed forces have any weapons of mass destruction. No nukes, no FAE, and due to suburban sprawl Australian cities cover huge areas. Since I live in one of Melbourne's outermost suburbs I don't have to fear a "mass cleansing".

My immediate threat would be the zombies, followed by other survivors. People can get downright nasty when they are desperate. But since I take a dim view of humanity in general I would be preparing for this also.
How about this then, just be sure to send someone else out first to greet the approaching troops or wave down helicopters
This made me smile because when discussing my worrying obsession with the forthcoming Z-Day apocalypse my old partner once was asked "So what will YOU do when the zombies come?"

He was quite laconic....he sipped his coffee, nodded at me and said "I'm going round his house"

I Lol'd!
Nasty-desparate surivors should be the priority.

Then it is just a Zombie Turkey Shoot
i'm pretty sure the philippine government isn't ready for something of that scale. that being said, i doubt any southeast asian nation is.
that's a good point. would animals be infected as well? that would put a major dent on food supply as i have been raising "quick meat*" in my apartment in the city. over at our farm there isn't much of a problem with food supply.

*quick meats are rabbits, pigeons, guinea pigs, and carp (in tanks).
if animals are not infected the longevity of Zeds will be signigantly reduced

Magots will eat them from the inside, feral dogs will drag them down and remove bits, carrion birds will provide an great early warning system
ammo for zed elimination? someone is cashing in.

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