I keep having dreams about zombies - can you interpret them for me?


New member
Mar 25, 2009
Dream 1: First Night)

I dreamt that there was a man and a woman who broke up because he kept licking her face (I honestly don't know... -.-) and he stole her horse in return. The woman and her daughter were distraught and so when I found her horse I went to their house to return it (I only realised later that day that their house was actually my friends house in real life) anyway they invited us in for tea (At that point I had my mother and my brother with me) so the horse jumped over the garden wall and into the house and then I did as well, but outside my brother was busy eating this square-shaped blue balloon-lollipop with white sprinkles on it, in the end he let it go and it floated away. I saw a zombie down the road and started screaming at them to get in the house but Mum just ssaidcalmly "Oh don't worry dear they're AGES away!" but when I blink next there were tons of them surrounded her and biting her. At that point my brother had managed to get in the house and I quickly slammed the door but these zombies were pushing it and i couldn't hold them away and their arms and heads started to get through the crack (I accidentally put my finger in one of their mouths :| ) but then the mother came and helped me push so i grabbed a lamp and started hitting the zombies until they went away. then i ran into the kitchen where my brother was crawling on the counter, clutching the phone and hissing at me when i tried to take it from him.

Dream 2: Next Night)
I dreamt that I was with a group of friends in a zombie-infested world and we were running away from zombies (my dream gets a bit fuzzy here) but then I was inside this tree, not the ttree trunkbut the part with the leaves, except the tree was bare and the branches went outwards and then circled together at the top making it like an impenetrable dome, and the branches were covered with huge sharp thorns. Inside this tree was my mother, father, brother (of the dream not real life) and me and my brother had been turned into zombies by them. They were telling us to go kill our friends but I refused to, so as they lunged at me I flew straight up the tree and through this hole at the top where there were some brambles (ouch..) into the pure blue sky saying some really cheesy line that i can't remember. "I'll keep flying" or something like that :L)

Dream 3: Last Night)
I dreamt that I was on a boat (the dreams a bit fuzzy but i'll try and remember as much as possible) I was with my friend Lucy and we were on these wooden planks overlooking the boat, some evil guys had set it on fire and loads of people were dead, lucy suggested that we pretend to be dead as well so that they wont kill us and we could escape (then it gets fuzzy) then i dreamt about being in the boats bar and being served an alcoholic drink (i'm 15 so.. :L)

then i'm suddenly a boy (or maybe i always was i don't know) and this evil mother, father and son adopt me into their family and take over the boat to rule it. they don't think i'm evil enough so they don't let me do some of the things my 'brother' can do. (dream gets fuzzy but i think i try and prove myself to them by pretending to be evil)

but then i think my dream switches because i'm in this supermarket and i'm buying baby clothes and stuff with my .. husband? (not sure) then there are zombies everywhere but they can talk and they have to claim a prey before they eat it because these zombies don't like to fight each other. anyway i somehow confuse them and run away, the i start running around the chocolate isle along with tons of other people, then i'm at the till paying for my stuff, then i have a rant and the supermarket saying me and my husband are staying together with this baby (yadda yada) then i'm climbing flats to get to my flat my husband is playing really loads tunes and i;m worried it'll attract attention of zombies, we get inside the room and start eating dinner, then my two sons (all grown up) start having an argument about the biggest word they know, but the youngest son is in a wheel chair and communicated through typing so it takes a while but he wins the debate.

then there are suddenly loads of people from that super market who find us and want to escape the zombies, then these zombies start chasing us and we're trying to escape, then one of the supermarket girls sisters is a zombie and saying how she blames the sister. she has this really malformed hand.

then some other stuff happened.

i'm extremely stressed about exams at the moment - do you think these dreams are trying to tell me something?