I keep dreaming of whales breaching and throwing thier bodies violently against...


May 19, 2008
...buildings...? When I was a child, I wanted to be a Cetationologist= A Whale Research Scientist. I am a Pisces and I love Whales. I feel very connected to them as strong and emotional creatures. But as an adult, I find that my dreams that include marine life are often dark. I have gone through many disappointments and frustrations throughout my life. And I know that dreams often reflect that. Recently, I have been dreaming about whales (particularly) Humpbacks and Orcas. The dreams differ from night to night, but the major theme is them swimming closely to buildings or houses, crashing through walls or even breaching into the outsides of the buildings. I am always walking with someone talking about the whales and I feel a great concern for their well being. I keep wondering if they are deranged or evil. As if they are trying to crash into me and kill me. I have also had dreams where the whales are deformed or bleeding. Weird right? I'm kind of a deep thinker and I think I may understand the gist of the dreams, but I would appreciate some kind insights. Thanks to all who read this.
Hmm.. maybe it means something.. I don't think it's anything negative, it could also be your mind messing with you, or maybe it's a sign.