I just picked up the book A Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess, but I don't


Apr 15, 2008
understand it? I know it's a popular book, I was planning on watching the movie but decided to read the book first. however I'm struggling to understand the slang Burgess has created in this novel. If you struggled like me, how did you get over this? Is there a online dictionary that translates some of these words?

You can find a pretty good guide in wikipedia.I didn't have any difficulties understanding the slang though,I believe the context really helps,but perhaps I don't remember very well; it's been a couple of years...As you probably know it's a mixture of English and Russian(slang..?)...

edit: here,I got it!! http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Concordance:A_Clockwork_Orange
It's not slang, it's a mixture of English and Russian. You have to keep going to pick it up, everyone always does.
I love that book. It's real horrorshow! There are plenty of online dictionaries to help you understand the Nadsat.
See here: http://soomka.com/nadsat.html
I was interested in the book. It's says alot about dystopia and such.

Keep reading, you'll begin to use their slang lol.
I just tried to pick it up as i read the book. He explains what some of it means, and if you look at the context you can understand the rest.