I just need to vent. I'm scared, miserable, depressed, and a bunch of


New member
Jan 29, 2011
other negative adjectives? So my life has essentially been a progressively worse hell for the past 6 or so years. It started when I was in high school and started experiencing startling symptoms that I'd never experienced before. I read some stuff on the Internet, and knowing very little about biology back then, I just automatically concluded that I had some sort of cancer. I didn't want to hear that I had cancer, so I mostly kept to myself and didn't tell my parents the extent of my symptoms. I just told them I got dizzy and food didn't taste the same to me as it once did. My dad scheduled doctor's appointments for me a few times, but I always started crying and begged him to cancel them at the last minute because I was just so terrified of hearing that I had cancer. I started refusing to go to doctor's appointments of any kind because I thought medical professionals of any type would take one look at me and just somehow know "Omg this girl has cancer." Like, I have crooked teeth that have not yet been straightened because I thought even dentists could diagnose me. Then, when my mom died of pre-leukemia when I was 18, my dad pretty much concluded that I was just a hypochondriac who psyched myself into thinking I was dying like my mom and hasn't really taken me seriously whenever I say I don't feel good ever since.

Over the past several years, I've done all kinds of research searching the Internet for natural cures to whatever illness I've decided I had that week, spent probably hundreds on supplements, and nothing works. I just get worse. Knowing what I do now about biology, it's pretty clear that my symptoms point straight to a brain tumor--dizziness, feeling off balance, memory issues, trouble concentrating, pain concentrated all on one side of my head, circulation issues, chest tightness and pain, etc. which makes me that much more afraid of going to a doctor because I figure, if I have a brain tumor, I've had it for years upon years, so there's likely not anything that can be done now. I've tried going, but it's like there's this invisible force that always stops me everytime I try. I just can't do it. I wish I were still a minor so that my parents could just force me to get checked out, but I'm not. I wish my parents would've done that when all of this started.

I just don't know what to do. I despise everything about my life. I went from this energetic kid who loved going to concerts, riding roller coasters 10 times in a row, riding her bike for miles, socializing, etc. to this girl who pretty much spends her days in her bed crying because she's afraid to do any of the stuff she wants to do. I've never had a boyfriend because I figure 1) It's not fair to date someone if I may be dying and 2) I'm no fun to be around anyway because I'm afraid to do just about everything and always have these random panic attacks (that's what I call them anyway) when I go in public. I'm afraid to go to amusement parks which I used to love because I'm afraid I'll have a heart attack or a seizure on one of the rides or something. I'm afraid of going to concerts or doing anything really exhilarating because I'm afraid, with whatever's wrong physically with me, my body won't be able to take the excitement and I'll die. My family invited me to go on a dolphin tour today, and I turned them down even though I really wanted to go because it was 90+ degrees out, and I was afraid my heart couldn't take it and I'd have a heart attack. I used to want to be a writer and pride myself on my writing skills...now I can hardly write anything because I have such difficulty thinking straight. I'm also pretty sure that my hair has begun falling out as of recently. I can't tell for sure as I've always had really thick hair, but everytime I run my fingers through it,3 or 4 strands fall out, and my ponytail feels a lot thinner to me. Just everything in life that I used to enjoy has been stripped away from me, and it's all my fault. I hate everything, and I don't know what to do. I just wish there was some magical pill I could take to get my life back.

Anyway, that was a novel. Sorry. I don't want any sympathy and don't even expect anyone to respond. I just needed to vent. Thanks for letting me do so.
What don't people get about the fact that all of these issues started BEFORE my mom was sick? I'm sorry, but it's really annoying to constantly be told "Well, if your mom died, then you must just have anxiety as a result of that." People whose moms have died can have physical problems too, not just psychological ones.
Take it from someone who knows their sick but not with something malignant. I was the same way as you for years I thought I had cancer. Thankfully I didn't but I do have something that no one else in my family has its very hard. Now considering that I am in the medical field I am still petrified to go to the dr but the worst thing in existence is web md bc people automaticly think they have the worst thing. I think you should go see a dc evenn if its scary if that's the only way ull get peace of mind

Stay strong
My grandfather, grandmother, on my mothers side died from cancer. And I think I may have worried that perhaps it could happen to me also. And I grew up being afraid to do alot of things people my age were doing because I feared I would get hurt. So I missed out on alot of fun. In 2009 I found a lump in my right breast. I went to the doctor. It was breast cancer. I had all kinds of doctors and nurses to help me decide what was the best plan of action for me. I did chemo twice, I lost both breasts, every hair on my entire body fell out. I lost my job and even my medical insurance. But I started seeing a therapist and it's helped a great deal. I just had reconstructive surgery and I will have another surgery this month. But not for one minute have I Regreted getting cancer. Do you know why? I''m free from fear of not knowing. And I talk about my cancer all the time to other women, even men. I encourage them to be tested, catch it early. And I am so grateful for everyday I have here on earth. And I do things I enjoy. I go out, see friends & family. Go see a doctor, Go see a therapist. Go start living you life. Become a warrior who fights for her own life and the priviledge of living it for every day you have. Don't live in fear.
Hey, i'm listening. I highly suggest you see a doctor. They want to help you, they will cure you :) you'll go back to your old self in no time, don't be scared :) you'll be okay, I will pray for you so you'll be okay
I am very sorry but i dont think your issue is physical. It's mental. We women feel that our mothers die, we are going to also.I think that you need to see a good therapyst, and Im not one. you need to get through the loss of your mom, you have since a desperate need and inbalance. not all illnesses get passed on to the children. If your mom died of cancer it doesnt mean you have to. Education is everything and I think that if your mom would've known anything before she would have enjoyed your children and great-grand-kids.
Hi D.E. :)
dont be afraid of getting cancer i know how u feel at sixteen i found a lump on my breast. I dint tell my parent until weeks later to only find out that i have lumpy boobs i dont remember what its called but many girls have it apparently lol. dont be afraid of death and getting cancer many women and men in my life have had and survived full on cancer and i know that u can too. That energetic kid that u were u still are. live life to its fullest and take ur strength and fight for everything that u want. GO to the doctor and have him properly diagnosis u it could be other things u never know unless u try. dont be afraid and ill pray for u trust me u are fine and u r going to come out of the hospital healthy as can be and happy :)
I wish the best for u <3
if you need someone to talk to you can email me : [email protected]