i have three major pimples on my face what do i do?


New member
Dec 28, 2008
They hurt when i press on them and i already popped them and they still hurt what do i do?
thanks, no sarcasm please :]
you can wash your face with warm water or use tree oil, use honey, garlic,toothpaste, or hold a hot cloth on it for about 15-30 seconds

thats what i do:)lol
try not popping them... even tho its hard not to... and use a little cover up maybe
rub them with rubbing alcohol a couple of times a day. they will go away much faster b/c you will be killing the bacteria.
Take a little toothpaste and put it on, overnight it will help dry them up. Try not to pop them.. toothpaste sounds weird but it works I've tried before.