I have just bought tons of bananas on the market at a bargain price what...


New member
Nov 6, 2010
...is a good way to cook them? I don't want anything too complicated or that needs too many ingredients but I cannot possibly eat them all so I want to be able to do as many different dishes as possible with them. Thanks.
I will have some of this please.
Banana Rum Custard Recipe - Recipe for Bananas with a Rum Custard Sauce
Recipe for sliced bananas in a rum custard sauce. Serve this recipe in dessert dishes or in elegant stemmed glasses.

Dozens of Banana ideas here. http://southernfood.about.com/od/bananarecipes/Banana_Recipes.htm
You could make ice cream shouldn't be difficult to get the recipe also you could bake some cakes bread fruit juice you could fry banana fritters " peel banana some flour sugar vanella mix spice and mix together not too soft then deep fry for several minutes
You could make ice cream shouldn't be difficult to get the recipe also you could bake some cakes bread fruit juice you could fry banana fritters " peel banana some flour sugar vanella mix spice and mix together not too soft then deep fry for several minutes
You can start by peeling and freezing them. They freeze beautifully and you can just pop them in a freezer bag and take them out as needed for banana bread, banana smoothies ( with chocolate in the blender etc.etc. etc.)
Bananas Foster
Banana Bread
Put them in cereal
Cover them in chocolate then freeze them