I have accepted Christ as my Savior. Now, if God asks me to account for my life...?


New member
Feb 21, 2013
and to judge me, what's the deal? If I say - hey, You created me, and therefore You know why and how I acted better than I can ever answer and then it kind of makes You like a a d*bag foe even asking and, by the way, if am I saved and it is by Your Grace then why do my actions even need to be judged anyway?

Do you see the logical fallacy, even if you are committed to every word in the Bible. It just seem that God could have explained Himself and what He expects of us better and without contradiction, or at least confusion. The more I read it, the less I believe it, even as I pray for guidance of the Word.

And then I listen to sermons and the brainwashed preachers trying to make sense and just wonder how we got so askew from where we should be.
Dude, I think the theory behind accepting Christ is to now accept blindly everything that's in the bible. Also listen to those preacher men, and all the prejudices they feed you. The fact that you have actually read the bible, and tried to make sense of what's in there, indicates that your acceptance of Christ as your savior wasn't entirely sincere. I suggest that your confusion stems from the fact that you are looking for logic in the bible. Tsk tsk
Ever seeing never understanding. Maybe u dont understand cuz u dont want to
You will not be judged like the unsaved. You will not be at the great white throne judgement where the unbelievers are. You will be judged differently because are a child of God & Jesus payed for your sins. You will be rewarded for the works that you have done for God

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand the word. Ask for wisdom also.

Get a Living Bible or Bible that is easier to understand than the King James Version Then read the Bible, pray and praise the Lord.

I'm praying for you. God Bless You
James 2
19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble.
20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead?

Matthew 7:21
21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.
You can't say "I pray for guidance of the Word" and I am saved and I went to see a few brainwashed preachers,and expect anyone to think you are Christian.Not so.You don't believe a single word the Bible says and have closed your mind to the possibility it is fact.So why would God reveal to you his truths?He does not have to prove himself to you b/c you demand it.He can if he wants to to prove a point ,but then you would only receive him( for real)b/c you seen a miracle.That is not how he wants you to come to him.He wants to be chosen,with "all" of your heart,mind,and soul.Not just with the part that reasons things away.Yes he knows better than we do what we have done,the point is we have to own up to it and accept that we were wrong and not make a bunch of stupid excuses for our mistakes.Not so much your actions are judged ,but your heart-what you believe and what you stand for.Understand?We got askew from where we should be b/c we put too much effort in keeping up with what the brainwashed preachers are doing wrong instead of finding ,in the Word ,and listening to God about what we are supposed to believe.Don't be a goat,try really hard to be a sheep,baaa.