i have a question about Bittorrent?


New member
Jun 4, 2009
i am new at usin bittorrent and i have downloaded a movie and i can't play it. i clicked start and it won't do anything. can someone help me. is it bad link? but it has a green arrow next to it?? so can someone help me the person who gives the best answer that helps me watch this get best answer
also maybe include things about bittorrent so i won't have these kinda problems again in the future! :D thanks lots!
the file says the movie then .torrent
You can try using VLC Media Player.


And what type of file did your movie come in?
I am not sure if you are trying to view the actual download since you mentioned clicking Start. I am also not sure if you have finished downloading the actual video.

what you download from the torrent search site is a torrent. A torrent is a small text file associated with specific content. When the torrent is opened in a bittorrent client, transfer of the associated content begins.

If you have completed the actual download, to see the content, right-click the torrent in BitTorrent and select Open Containing folder. you should then see the video.

To play on your computer you will probably need a media player like the free VLC

Some more info on bittorrent here
Gizmo’s Freeware: What is Bittorrent?

Gizmo’s Freeware: Searching for Torrents (Popular Torrent Search Sites)
my suggestion to you is to get rid of bit torrent because if you keep downloading movies (depending on the movie) you might receive an email claiming "copyright Infringement" which means an illegal distribution of that certain movie. (you can be sued under the owner's consent)

using bit torrent isn't smart because your ip address (internet provider) address (your identification over the internet) is visible to other users and easy to track which means you might get in trouble with the law.

now for another way of getting movies:
1. Download Firefox web browser
2. Google "download helper"
3. on the first result click download
4. scroll down a bit and click "add to firefox"
5. re-open your browser
6. go to http://www.adobe.com
7. click "get flash player" (for youtube and other flash player sites)
8. close your browser and anything that is firefox related except the flash player download and click "try again" if needed otherwise just "install" on the flash player and it should work
9. go to http://www.watch-movies-links.net/
10. search a movie
11. pick a result that has a good rating and "watch full movie"
12. you should see the download helper icon "spinning"
13. click the arrow and whatever is in bold (usually a bunch of numbers) is your movie HINT: don't change the file name until after it downloads
you have to with till it says 100% then install:
for a PC:
divx codec
AC3 filter
VLC Player

for a MAC:
it should work with no problems