i have a droid charge for verizon can you help?


Active member
May 13, 2008
the phone got wet while i wasnt around so i dont know how bad the damage is other than this one malfunction. the phone will not charge. the battery seems to be fine beacuse i checked the water mark and it was undamaged but the one on the phone obviously shows it was wet. i tried other chargers and still nothing. i even tried plugging it into the computer to see if it just wouldent charge but the computer isnt registering the device. so maybe it is a problem with the port. but the funny thing is the battery was dead and i left it plugged in over night and off and the battery had some more life to it. i dont know what else to do. i made sure the phone was dry. and just as a little side note the phone got wet over 2 months ago and i cant afford to get it replaced
the phone was wet over two months ago and that is for a immediate wetting not two months later...i dont think that involves me but i will still try it
Hi.Click the link below and watch the video:

it is what to do in case your phone gets wet