I has a mouse.

2 of my friends found a mouse in their house the other day and put it in a cup for a few days and then threw it at one of our friends that is terrified of animals. Now the little guy is roaming the house again I guess.
wow, just kill it, you sound like you have mental probems. You're looking for the most cruel way to kill somethig. I beilive you should get a life
Excuse me, Mr. Current Affairs, but if you had read the previous posts you would have learned that our little friend has recently, as in preterit, came to the end of his mortal line. There by rendering your post, whats the best word.... AH, inane. Much like the statistics in your retarded sig.

Or just to put it simply. HE BE DEAD YO!

Now, any more confusion?

Edit: Oh yeah, I wonder if he got his 72 virgins...
I has two rats, literally. Their names are coco and something else, but they crap alotttta and smell like the school's pasta.