i had sex with my dad and my mom found out!!?!?


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Ok, the title is a lie, but could you answer this quick question? easy 10 points:
Chemistry Question: You can separate the different components of a mixture (evaporation, etc), but can you separate a compound? It is chemically combined, so I'm not sure if you can, but need to know for school homework that's due tomorrow, please help. Thanks.
haha, the comments were funny :) and thanks loony, i think you had the best answer
Sure you can. That's why finding water on the moon has important implications--because it can be separated into oxygen for breathing and hydrogen for rocket fuel.
Well, my answer is a lie, but I'll answer you anyways.

I like to eat cheesecake.
um either your pic is a real ugly chick or... you and your dad are both gay fags and i dont know how that would end up happening. oh, i didnt read the description. that i dont know lol sorry :D
i learned this a coupla weeks ago, yes its possible through a chemical reaction, and compounds can always be broken down into simpler elements ex: NaCl and be broken down into Na and Cl, but im not sure why anyone whould do that..... but Na is cool cause it blows up.
you're kinda crazy for posting up that question. but anyways, yeah you can seperate a compound because its 2 chemicals combined. Like HCl....you can seperate the two chemicals. there ya go.