I had a premonition about the earthquake in Japan, has anyone else ever...


May 21, 2008
...had this kind of experience? Two days before the earthquake, I dreamt that the field opposite my house split open because of an earthquake, then a large wave started heading towards my house, I was looking out of my window in horror and I could see two Asian people with cameras round their necks (I thought they were Chinese in my dream) and the wave hit and killed them then stopped at my house.
It was such a real dream that when I woke I actually went to the window to check that the field hadnt split open. Then two days later when I saw the news I was shocked!
I've dreamt things before that have come true but never on this scale. Its really freaked me out! A psychic did once tell me Im psychic tho.. has anyone else ever experienced this kind of thing?
good grief
really two days before yet you never rang Japan to warn them? ffs sick

weirdly today on the bus i was reading about how 'the law of large numbers' proves psychic dreams etc. are just statistical nonsense and not proof of magic powers
but wait i read that article and you'd ask this question today
wow i must by psychic otherwise how would i have known to read the magazine?
i used to dream about the twin towers over and over again this went on for years how weird is that.
The morning of the Tuscon shooting I had a dream that I was at an event and someone started shooting people. :/

I've had dreams about minor things that happened the next day also.
In case you have not read the " fine print" on psychics, It reads " for entertainment
purposes only".
That was made very clear in the trial of " Miss Cleo " who was sued over her so called
There was an earthquake in China a few days before the one in Japan.

In any case, I find that hard to believe.
I have, but I don't consider it psychic, I consider it a gift from God. I think having gifts like these and we accept the gift It glorifies God, we can warn people if they are in danger, or we can simply just start praying. I had dreams that came true, and I did not know how to handle it when it happened, I just know now when I have dreams like that, I start praying right away.