I found a fat, hairy, ugly thing in my closet ranting about gender blah blah blah...?


New member
Jul 27, 2010
I was not listening to what it said, but I poked it with a cattle prod so it would shut up.
I cannot determine if it is a feminist or an MRA. What should I do with it? I like the prospect of shipping it off to a third world country.
Can you help me determine what it is, and what I should do with it?
Did you find it with Tom Cruise, John Travolta, & R Kelly? They've been missing for months! Where's Stan?
Buy a can of FEM-B-GON at the hardware store. Spray it full force in the pie hole. It pure testosterone and it works great! Just be ready for the most unbelievable amount of whinging and moaning before it melts. What will be left will resemble a dried up cow patty.