I fell for this guy on eHarmony, but I don't know how to get over him?


New member
Feb 9, 2011
We've been talking for three months now every day on Skype and on the phone. He really made me feel special, and he could always make me laugh. On Friday, I expressed how I wanted to talk to him over the phone because we had gotten into an argument before about my friend who wanted to be with him. He said I should call him ASAP, but I had to go to work. I haven't heard from him since Friday. He won't respond to my email, but he logged into his eHarmony account.
I don't know how to let him go. Every guy I meet in life or on the website doesn't compare with him. :-( Please help.
I personally would never trust anyone I met through online dating. But i have pretty major trust issues. What you need to do is realize that you don't need a guy to make you feel special. You're special without him. Now if you already knew that, then good for you. But honestly you probably wouldn't be asking this question then.
If he's ignoring you, there isn't much too do. You're just going to have to let go. To stop thinking about him, immerse yourself in your work or get involved in other activities, such as joining a choir, a class in college or join a club of some sort.....anything and everything that keeps your mind heavily occupied. Surely, he can't be so unreasonable as to not know that you have an obligation to go to work? If he is that unreasonable, then perhaps he's not the person for you?