I feel like ranting about something, do you agree?


Jun 8, 2008
Social Networking.

I am 16 and I do not have facebook, myspace, twitter or anything of the kind. I do not want facebook, myspace, twitter or anything of the kind. I have good reason for this.
''Sorry I was just facebooking my mate who lives next door.'' @*!* OFF! What happened to conversation? Why can people not communicate without a keyboard? ''Who needs a voice anymore when we have a keyboard?'' We're not all f*****g Stephen Hawking! We can actually communicate without the use of electronics.
I would rather sand paper my face until my cranium became visible than read anyones ''status update''. Who in their right mind gives a ****? ''Just went to brger king wiv m8's, 8 brger. Yum.'' '' I luv u so much 4eva'' (12 year old directed to a 12 year old). If you're going to tell the world about your **** life, DO SOMETHING INTERESTING. Eg, ''Just wiped my arse with the Daily Mail, took special care to use Gordon Brown's face''. ''Went to the headquarters of facebook and burnt it down, hooray!" etc etc.
Twitter is identical, only it's an on going competition between ''celebrities'' to gain the most followers. I use the term loosely. For example, A footballer's friend's wive's dog's nephew's teacher. You see the point. Gaining the most followers?! Only on the internet would following any celebrity you like 24 hours a day be legal. If you tried that without the internet you'd be locked up quicker than Stephen Fry updates his f*****g status.
To conclude, I have no interest in anyone's s**t lives so please do not think I, or anyone else, does.

I agree, and disagree. Yes, we are not all Stephen Hawking.

Yes, there are a lot of brain bleeders who are so stupid, you often wonder how they even tie their own shoes, let alone figure out how to text or twitter or Facebook or anything else every 8.9 seconds.

For example, I often feel as though if I have to read one more update where every single word is misspelled, or where words have been replaced by a capital letter, (U instead of you, R instead of are, etc) my head will spin around and I will vomit pea soup.

On the other hand, I do follow a lot of very intelligent strangers who have a lot of great things to say, and while they're not all as smart as Stephen Hawking, they are still very smart in their own way.

I feel your pain though. I really do. When I see how stupid people have become, and how stupid our younger generation is, I often feel I want to weep for humanity.