I feel like my boyfriend loses interest in me sometimes...?


May 14, 2008
You see, my boyfriend and I have been together for a few months now, and I used to see him everyday. I only see him 2 MAYBE 3 times a week, and when we do see eachother, I feel like he never really has much to say to me sometimes when I make conversation.the main reason im questioning this to begin with, is because a few weeks ago, he said "maybe youre not ready for a relatonship" or something like that. he said it because we have no time to see eachother as much as we usually did, and the thing that angeres me the most, is that he put it on me, like he was saying it was my fault we couldnt hang. But hes just as busy with his work schedule, as I am with school AND work. idk it pisses me off, and I fing myself getting angry or agitated at him for absaloutly no reason at all. Is all this normal, or am I ovethiinking it?advice, thoughts. anything would help

ps hes my first boyfriend.
first relations are weird and confusing. i don't know if this one will last. i don't date so i don't have experience but all my classmates do and they all say it's weird and alienish cuz boys don't make sense.
I think you should show him that you would love to spend more time together. When you see eachother don't say hi just get to the girl-boy stuff.
hun! i know how 1st boyfriend can be! its 1st love!
u only see him 2 or 3 times a week i think thats okay! yes hun your over thinking way too much! i know how u feel n what r thinking! just remember this if he doesnt put any effort towards your relationship well i can advise u to leave him if a guy doesnt listen to his girl hes not worthly! tell him whats going on with your relationship and say something like this i dont think our relation is going anywhere cos ur always blaming me for something that i didnt do.hes blaming u hes controling your relationship and u dont want that! u want it to be equal so hun be strong and tell him how u feel!

i hope it works out for u!
Try and talk to him but dont make it sound like your blaming him. Make time where you guys can just do something simple like watch tv and enjoy each others company. Are you having sex? Make time for that if you are and if you think its not as good as it used to be spice it up a bit.
Sounds like this relationship is nearly over if he is behaving like this
He sounds bored and is trying to get you to dump him,
so dump him yourself and find someone who offers you more
u have 2 options:

1. Dump Him

2:Wait before he dumps u because it will happen i promise.

if u dump him then he will be attracted to u again, after some time he will contact ya, he will respect u. if he dumps u then he will never take u as serious girl, even if he comes back and says sorry, u forgive him he will dump u again after some time.

so i would suggest u to break up with him. respect yourself and u will be respected, this is how it works.
you should talk to him about it. all relationships have ups and downs and if you find you can't have a meaningful conversation with him about this particular challenge, then that demonstrates the strength (or weakness) of the relationship in the first place.

The currency of relationships tends to be intimacy, if you feel there is little or none of this left, then you and him should try to rekindle it together and if that fails, there isn't much of a relationship left.