I feel like i have no sense of humor?


New member
Nov 1, 2008
Hi, i'm 21 and I haven't laughed in about 3 years. I fake laugh and I have the occasional natural chuckle here and there, but nothing has made me laugh out loud or laugh really hard for a long time. Come to think of it I haven't naturally smiled a lot or been very happy for what seems like years.

Yet I don't feel upset, I don't cry, I don't resent anyone or anything, I don't have any suicidal thoughts or anything... I just feel like I don't feel much of anything anymore.

On top of that, I haven't been able to converse very well anymore. I used to be a chatty, somewhat sarcastic person who would have no problem talking to people... But now I constantly find myself struggling for things to say, and it's usually obviously forced small talk. I also seem to stutter and mix up words a lot more (freudian slips?). This makes it hard to meet girls, which gets frustrating. Even getting drunk doesn't help these problems that much.

There are a few things that I can think of that might contribute to this:
1. I started smoking pot a few years ago. (i stopped for good a few months ago though...) whenever I was high I would get very introverted and would barely say anything.
2. I've been getting bad migraines occasionally over the past few years/
I also move a lot. I just get bored when i'm in the same place too long.
Maybe it's time to do some travelling. The same place for a long time can take a toll on your emotions. Save up some money, and go somewhere new. Find beauty in things, and loosen up!

I hope it works for you :)