i eat a healthy breakfast everyday or at least try 2 but my stomach still


New member
Sep 24, 2008
rumbles & its embarrassing ne help? i try to eat a healthy breakfast every morning b4 school starts sumtimes i eat a 1/2 of a bagel and this morning i had two waffles but by second period which is two periods b4 lunch my stomach starts growling is there anything i could eat or anything i could do btw i eat as much as i can in the morning until im full or shoved out the door any ideas?? please help
You need to eat more protein and whole grains. Like a piece of whole wheat bread with natural peanut butter on it.
You need to eat protein in the morning. It stays in your stomach longer so you won't feel hungry. Have an omelet, or toast with peanut butter. You could also bring a snack with you like some almonds or nuts that you could pop in your mouth on the way to your next class.
1/2 of a bagel does not sound like much. I can understand for a student not being able to make eggs, sausage, bacon, and the whole nine yards in the morning due to time, but how about at least a whole bagel - maybe even 2.
You have a high metabolism. Try having some protein, like an egg or sausage. Or at least cereal with whole milk.

Also, if you're talking about eggo-type waffles, that's not much food, just two of them. They're mostly air.