
May 12, 2008
So today i went in the bathroom to clean the toilet.... well when i bet over to get the cleaner it fell into it. I got it out really fast and took the batery and the sim card out! And when i put everything back in i turned on and it looks like there is water in the SCREEN! and when i turn it on it will go to a certain page and then turn off and it will freeze and say Sony Ericsson! What can i do to make it work again?? Please help!
I dropped my iPhone in the toilet a while back, i heard somewhere that if you put it in rice there's a good chance it will work, so that's what i did. I left it in the rice for 4 days straight while obviously powered off, and everything worked, however before that i have dropped an iPod Touch in the bath tried drying it out with a towel and hair drier, and the touchscreen didn't work and the LCD was f*****. So If i was you i'd put it in rice pretty quick, and leave it there for a while.
The best thing you can do is leave it to dry out.(THIS CAN TAKE SEVERAL DAYS) Remember not to heat it up in any way as this could damage it's insides and make things worse!

To speed up drying time you could consider burying your phone in a bowl of dry rice, this will help absorb moisture from the phone.
It's a good thing you took out the battery and SIM, you most probably saved the SIM, but the battery may have gone, sorry to say that...try it out anyways, it may work.

Don't try to turn it on now because the water will prevent it from working properly. Leave it in a dry (maybe a bit warm, but not in direct sunlight) place, and in a day or so, when the water dries, it will work fine. Long story short, the mobile will work again, so is the SIM, but I don't know about the battery.
Try using a hair dryer I guess. It is more than likely the death of your phone. Hope you have insurance. GL!!!