i Dropped my iPhone 4g in Iced Tea.?


New member
Feb 12, 2009
Mmkay, it was White Wendsday and i went rolling my friends houses of course. I was getting out the car to go roll a house and i put my NEW iPhone 4g in the cup holder. well i thought i did. like 3 min. later i come back to the car and noticed that i droped it in my Iced Sweet Tea! ugh. im so upset. that happend last night. i dont even know how to open the damn thing, && i dont wanna charge it because it might fry it. lol. i really dont know what to do. D:

thank you.
take a bag of uncooked rice, and seal it in there. the rice absorbs the moisture out of the phone.

DONT try to turn it on. if theres still moisture in there, it can short it out.

let it dry for about a week then try to turn it on
Try putting it in a bowl of uncooked rice for about 2 days and see what happens. Make sure the whole thing is covered in rice.
no no no no no rice tricks please. You need to bring to professionals, don't send to warranty as they will do nothing as it is water damaged. you say, why not rice trick?!, answer: because you need to clean with special chemicals in special equipment to remove corrosion from contacts!! if the rice trick is true than all it can do is absorb some water, but not corrosion!! corrosion will "eat" contacts and you phone will be dead for good. don't turn on your phone, but try to get battery out first, it is possible with iphone 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAy3xgdci4s also some tools and skills required to do that. If it was some cheap phone than it might be worth a try, but iphone costs a lot so better pay someone to do that.

hope it helped