I don't want a meltdown onstage tomorrow... what do I do?!?! Please answer?!?


New member
Dec 23, 2008
Ok, well, my fiance Patrick's best friend Andy recently tried to kill himself, but his girlfriend stopped him (he was trying to hang himself) and he's in the hospital now. A few days ago, he attempted suicide again by overdosing on his depression medication, but he's ok... Patrick, however, is a wreck... he's one of those guys who bottles up his emotions to hide his pain, so he doesn't cause anyone else he loves any pain... but it ends up hurting him more... Well, he's an independent singer/guitarist and he writes his own music. I'm his vocal coach, and tomorrow night he has a charity concert to perform... Our recording studio's musicians get a big crowd at these concerts, especially Patrick... Well, most of his music is really deep (a lot of people don't really understand the deeper meanings) and it's... emotional... but not "Emo." Well, all this week at the recording studio, he hasn't evenbeen able to get through a few of the really emotional songs... you can just see as he's singing that he's going to melt down, and he just stops... It kills me seeing him like this... I don't know what to do... I don't want him to bomb out tomorrow night, but this concert is not optional... our boss has made it very clear that we NEED to do this concert tomorrow... I don't want him to fall apart onstage though, and make his self-esteem sink lower than it currently is (He's usually very stable, but the whole situation right now has him way down.) What should I do?!?!?! Thanks!