I dont know how this has been overlooked.......

If by same you mean competing papers, sure.

Yes they both sensationalize a bit (and the post has some serious political bias), but they aren't tabloids.
I've heard about skydivers living, not from complete freefall but their backup chute failed pretty high up. She then landed in a red ant hill and the ants stung her enough to keep her heart working. I'm pretty sure its not an urban legend I swear I read it somewhere reliable just can't remember. Anyway if thats possible why not this?
falling from over 100 feet just doesn't make your heart stop....it breaks all your bones and destroys all your organs....
Yes well lets E Fight in this thread aswell.;)

I will find the article, :idea: She was in a coma for several months until waking up so it wasn't exactly some small hospital stay and I'm sure there was extensive bone and organ damage.
i thought i remember seeing a video of a base jumper without a parachute who glided using his suit? I know there is one on collegehumor but he had a chute. This guy didnt use one. Fake possibly.
maybe, he went from basejumping to basically gliding safely, ill try to find the video, been a long ass time.

wingsuit has the wings on the arms right? ya i think it was like that.

and just because it happened once, doenst mean it will always happen, or even ever happen again...