I cannot stand my mother at all! HELP!?


New member
Jul 21, 2008
Okay seriously I'm starting to! She gets on these "dating" wbesites and then when I find about them she yells at ME! Shes married! Ugh! And I know shes lying to me! She smokes but she says she doesnt but I'm not stupid! I CANT TRUST HER! I used to love her so much, but now I find it impossible to even trust her! I dont like liars and pathetic people like her! I believe shes still drinking to, when she promised she quit! I REALLY CANNOT STAND HER! I mean she PROMISED me shes not doing any shit, but SHE IS! It pisses me off so frigging much!

I cant trust her!
What can I do??

Depressed and thinks her mom is the wrose :/
Talk to your dad. Tell him your mother needs some serious help. Tell your mother how you feel and that you think she should straighten up her life and stop lying to you and to herself. Talk to a social worker or church, Salvation Army, anyone who might try to help your mother. Get rid of any booze in the house. Get rid of her cigarettes. Tell her she needs to straighten up for her own self, not just you.
u need to calm down. firstly ur mother is human, she is not perfect as u believe when u growing up she has flaws she makes mistakes and all of that is part of being Human.

instead of getting all depressed about it have u asked urself Y? y is ur mother behaving this way? is there something bothering her? is she not getting the love she needs from u father and from u? is she craving attention?

u would get better answers my dear if instead of judging her u spoke to her and Listened..u don't know how much u could be helping her if u just try..
I feel so bad for you!! Unfortunately there's nothing you can do about your mom. Is there someone who you know and trust , if so please talk with them about this . You need a really good friend to listen to you.
first you are the child and have no business demanding control of your mother
as you never mentioned you father I can assume that he is gone and you think you are the boss now
leave the woman alone as she has enough on her plate and need no grief from you
How old are you?
If you are younger than 18..
KidsHelp Line=]
1800 55 1800

But thats Australian.
If you live somewhere else... Just research it=]=]