I burst out laughing every time I'm supposed to be dead!?


New member
Mar 16, 2011
At my all girls school, we are preforming Romeo and Juliet. I'm Tybalt. Every time I am supposed to be "dead" I burst out laughing, partly because every time Alice (she plays Romeo) kills me, she quietly makes a funny comment, that sets me off laughing. I tell her to stop, but it's just so darn funny! How can I stop myself from laughing? Any advice on how NOT to hit Jessica (she plays Mercutio) in the arm every time I "fight" her? She doesn't give me any eye contact so I don't know where she is going to block!
hi its me i burst out laughing almost at anything
this kid named chris i think had a crush on my
and he always tried to keep me laughing well then again it
was funny and he was the class clowns