i bought a male betta fish,but he is not eating? what should i do?:-(?

hi please just breath and we will work though this

how long have you had it for??
what is the p.h. like??
what other fish are in the tank??
what food are you feeding?

i advise you to turn off your tank lights and give him a break answer these basic questions.
i advise you to see the website below ( i have done some Research for you :D)

good luck :D
I have a beta fish, and when I first got him, he wouldn't eat. He actually wouldn't eat for about 4 days! He just needs time to adjust!
My mom also has a beta and she bought him a special heater. It keeps the water at just the right temperature and he's as happy as ever :) He even rests on top of it sometimes!
Also, a 1.5G is about the right size for a beta.. You can just go to WalMart or ACMoore and get a big glass jar.
if you just got him, leave him a pellet and let him be. he is exploring the tank and getting used to the water. Give him time. Best thing to do. Good Luck!
is there any other fish in the aquarium?? if so they might be stealing th food before he can adjust to the tank. just give him a few days either way and he should adjust to the tank
He might just be adapting to his new home try again tomarrow. Is he acting lethargic though? Like laying on the bottom of his tank and not moving much. If so he may be sick so research about betta diseases of he may need a heater to keep the tank at a warmer tempurature! (75-80 degrees)