I believe that Jesus Christ is a legend?


New member
Oct 9, 2010
Think about it.Even if he was real I think he was just a normal being like the others trying to get some attention.So the joke is all on you believer's.Cheers
Satan would be impressed that one of his demons has introduced this story to you and that you have bought it but consider this ...

We have a historical record that leads from Adam and Eve straight to Jesus. We know the names of Jesus Dad and Mom, His grandpa, His great grandpa, His great great grandpa and so ... all the way back to Adam and how old most of the parents were when they begat the key individuals in Jesus lineage.

For your own spiritual good you should spend more time trying to make Him real in your life and try to find out what he expects you to do and do it or you will stand in front of Him some day at The Great White Throne Judgement.

P.S. Paul Bunyan is a legend and he doesn't know his dad's name.
Are you asking if you believe Jesus is a legend, because that's how you phrased it?

But regardless, believe what you wish.

Some joke. If I'm right, then I will be with Jesus in paradise forever. If you're right, it doesn't matter wht I believe.
There are Living legends.Yes, He was a normal being and He get all the attention including yours.:D
That's cool. Believe what you want.

And haha, no. We'll all find out in time.