I am switching from Verizon to At&t for the iphone but.......?

Jul 13, 2008
My whole family has at&t and only i have Verizon but now since the new iphone came out i want to switch to at&t in order to get the iphone. And when my sister got her phone a couple of months ago in order for her plan to stay at 30 dollars a month my dad had to open a empty line for $9.99 a month, Now my question is can I just add a data plan to that in order for the iphone to work or do i have to open up another new line?

Sorry its kinda long i tried to word it as clearly as possible
You need a 2 year contract in order for it to work. When i got my phone my mom added a line to her plan and i just joined her minutes. So whenever I talked her minutes went down and mine did as well. The awsome thing is you get rollover minutes so if you get like 600 minutes and you only use 300 of them, you get double of the minutes you have left back. So 300 minutes left gives you 600 minutes again. Good luck!