I am looking to buy my first sports bike?


New member
Dec 10, 2010
I am around 5'9, and I have never owned a motorcycle, though I have been taught to ride some of my friend's motorcycles, so it's not like its the very first bike I've ever ridden. I just don't know much about them as far as what would be a good starter bike (I am not going to get a 250 because I already know how to ride) I just need some pointers on what ya'll would recommend about how much I could get a used one for. Will be checking on this regularly and will reply if ya'll need any more information.
Questions about motorcycles are best directed to the MOTORCYCLE section of Yahoo Answers. Not the cycling section - as in BICYCLES. It's YOUR responsibility to choose the correct section. Otherwise, Yahoo picks up on key words (bike vs. motorcycle) and places the question wherever the computer believes it belongs.

Look under Cars & Transportation, then Motorcycles.