I am going to get a Ph.D in Philosophy so that I can laugh at people. Is this


New member
Feb 17, 2012
good or bad? Do not be so hasty when answering my fine question. I will, of course, love the subject, Philosophy, as I am willing to get a Ph.D in it and will have a definite passion for it as well as have the aspiration of having the title of 'Doctor'. I will be highly motivated, as I am now, and will strive to do my very best. What's wrong with mocking those who are intellectually inferior to me too?
@Igee You did not even capitalize the first letter at the beginning of your sentence. It looks like you're the one who is incapable of such an incredible academic feat.
@Mad Max Career choice is irrelevant; I will still be able to mock all those 'average' people who lack such an academic achievement.
@Matt Inventor That is purely because the majority of the population are idiotic and are not ambitious or intelligent enough to excel in academia.
@Igee Do not make blind assumptions. I merely value the importance of proper grammar. I have some amazing ideas; I would just not want to share them with ignorant people like you. ;)