I am converting to Judaism.... What do I call myself?

Can I call myself Jewish by now? It's been two months since I have officially started the conversion process.

If someone asks me.... "What is your religion?"

What do I tell them?!
I'm not thumbsing anyone that has a good answer down..... and i only thumbs down like two.
ummm, how often have ppl asked u that question?????

and tell that that u are 2 months into the process of converting to Judaism
I'm in the process of becoming a Jew too. I have the same problem. If someone asked me in person, I'd say "I'm converting to Judaism." But here on the internet, I call myself a Jew.
I can't wait until I will be able to call myself a true Jew.
answer: that you're converting to Judaism. Which I doubt you are or you'd know that two months doesn't even scratch the surface in the conversion process and you do NOT call yourself a Jew until actual conversion.
tell them your a jew.simple.

someone please answer mine?

you tell them you are part of the religion that is utterly ruthless and merciless towards a desperate and oppressed nation.
What is this nation they may ask.
You tell them PALESTINE
tell them your a converted jew and no i dont think you can call yourself jewish, when ppl say that they often represent two distinct ethnic groups, the russian jews or the arab jews.