I am beowulf!!!!

What the fuck exactly are you trying to say its a spoof of?
Why the fuck are you posting this here?
I read part of the story in English class, sounded like it would be a decent movie.
i wonder how true they are going to stay towards the book. the story itself was pretty short so im sure they are going to have to add some stuff to make it movie quality
oldest EXISTING written tale. the oldest written tale would be a little older, the manuscripts from that age just don't seem to survive very well.
In my opinion this movie will fail
Beowulf is just a follower of 300.
300 catchline- This is Sparta
Beowulf catchline - I am beowulf
The two movies share the same kind of grathics/genra of film
300 was rated R, Beowulf is rated PG13 so it can appeal to diffrent age group but everyone has seen 300 even in that age group so thats why i feel it will fail
It will fail because it was a bad idea. What's the point of making a CGI movie if it's just going to look like real people? Why not just make a movie with real people?
MY posts in the movie section of this movie explain my hatred for it.

since when is Angelina Jolie a hot chick?
Type Angelina Jolie in google images then come back.

It's the oldest epic poem WRITTEN IN ENGLISH I believe the Odyssey, the Ramayana, and the Mahabaratha (sp?) are much older.