I am at risk of getting sued by Chrysler Financial because of a surrendered


May 16, 2008
vehicle. help!? A few years ago, I cosigned with my mother to get a car for the family. I was a working student and the only thing ( and reason) why that even happened was because I HAD good credit. I couldn't even afford this anyway, but due to my mother's pride and greed, and my need to be the good daughter who didn't want to disappoint - we got the car. Eventually we (and I) couldn't afford it , so after all the harassing calls and such, we went back to the dealer and surrendered the vehicle last year. I get a letter from a law firm from Southern CA (I'm in the bay area) saying that either I pay up for the car's worth (plus interest!) or I get sued. I'm still in school and I'm already trying to keep my head above water paying bills (which are all current) I already have. I don't know what to do, I can't get my mom to do anything because she's even worse off, and she's never helped me. I'm too young for this, and I don't know what to do, I need help...:(
*typo: ignore the word 'water'*
You are responsible for the difference that the car was worth at the time of surrender and the amount they sold it for. So is your mom. She needs to be helping you