I am annoyed that my relatives all pass away during vacation time. Is that selfish?


New member
Oct 27, 2010
My relatives have all died of natural causes, and most of them were 80 or older, so they all lived long lives. I know it is sad to lose relatives, but at that age, people do die. It happens.

I just hate how they all die during christmas or spring break, or summer. I have missed trips to the beach with friends, and spring break trips because of this. If they died during school, I could at least have the breaks to myself and have fun. Why do they always have to cut into fun times? It is no fun being around grieving family members. Sure doesn't help me or anyone else in the family.

Does this sound selfish? I mean it stinks to lose family members, but again, at age 80, it tends to happen.
Oh, my dear yes, you are thinking only of yourself.
You must ask for forgiveness and forgive yourself for acting like this.
One day there want be any family members and you can go and have all the fun you like.
How did that sound? Not good did it?
Neither does what your saying.
Take time to smell the roses and enjoy every moment.