I am a 31 year old man and there is a gorgeous girl in my karate class


New member
May 25, 2011
who is 18. Should I ask her out? I don't know this girl very well but she is absolutely *stunning*. I don't know if she harbours any feelings for me, or if she thinks I would not be interested in an 18-year-old, or what she thinks.
A 31 year old and an 18 year old have very little in common. Sure there is only a 13 year age gap, but when you're 18, that's significant. I'd say 23-24 is the lowest you can go and have things in common...
My general (humorous) opinion of you - creep. Haha, but I don't care. My advice GO FOR IT! If she says yes you are one lucky man.

Okay, do not listen to these people. Do what you want, there is nothing illegal, you may receive weird looks or something who knows. But Yahoo users are mostly judging degenerate intolerants who don't agree with anything that their parents did not say was right.
if you ask her out or stare or be lecherous, prepare for one less student. What could you possibly have in common with an 18 y.o? It is not a huge age gap, but still in the creepy range.

I don't know whether to say get a life or good luck. Hopefully you are not as creepy as you sound when describing her as stunning.