I am 30 years old i have made a few bucks and deciding on a car?


New member
Apr 1, 2009
i have been working and saving up some money and i want to buy a used car. These are my two choices just want some opinions
im a guy
range rover sport or BMW 6 series
If you have a girlfriend or significant other, you should ask them. Get the opinion that matters most. Or, if you're not with anyone right now, find a friend who is most like the type you would want to date, and get their opinion.
If you have a girlfriend or significant other, you should ask them. Get the opinion that matters most. Or, if you're not with anyone right now, find a friend who is most like the type you would want to date, and get their opinion.
If you have a girlfriend or significant other, you should ask them. Get the opinion that matters most. Or, if you're not with anyone right now, find a friend who is most like the type you would want to date, and get their opinion.
haha, you are almost comparing night and day here.
i would pick the 6 series of course. however, if you carry a lot of people the range rover will be okay. (my friend has an m6 and the back seats were tight).
land rover's reliability has never been too good and the electronics in them are prone to acting up, besides, if gas goes up again, you are going to be forking over a lot of $$ for that thing. over the years, they were rated as some of the most unreliable vehicles.
the 6 series BMWs are redesigned and newer models but it also costs a lot to maintain. they are rear wheel drive and very very fast. finding a used one isn't hard but it still will be expensive.
if you want a very practical luxury BMW try looking into the 5-series. they are fast, comfortable and affordable even for used (like around 2005 and up). and if you are leaning more towards an SUV try looking into the bmw x5 or x6, they are very nice.
then again, if you are thinking about spending real money, don't sell yourself short, get something you will be excited to get into everyday
check safety ratings and mpg. I'd go for the one that is better in both categories. I'm guessing it will be the BMW. Plus I like those better.
LOL I cant help but laugh that every girl has picked the BMW. All women I realize want BMW's and I don't know why lol. But anyhow, I would go with the range rover. Cause you will need it for getting out in nature and going places you couldn't go with a bmw. As well as haul things you couldn't with a BMW.