I am 16 and I have seem to have lost my sex drive, why!?


New member
Jun 10, 2008
I am really hoping that someone can help me, I am 16 and I have a problem that has really been bothering me, and it has been persisting for about eight months now. I have noticed that I have a really weak erection, and am unable to become sexually aroused under any circumstances. I may wish in my head that I will become aroused, but it never occurs. When I was younger about 13, I would gain an erection at many times without even trying, now it never occurs. I don’t know why this happens, as I should still be in my prime. I feel like a 70 year old man in this respect, and perhaps it is because I take acne medicines. I take: Retin A micro and clindamycin phosphate and I am wondering if these have lowered my sex drive for any reason. I am hoping that this is just a fluke, a side effect of puberty, but it seems to be the opposite. I have tried to wait it out, but to no avail. If you can help, you would make me so happy, if not, could you please at least help recommend me as to what to do next. I am really sad ?.
No. Those are just topical acne medication creams. They don't have any effect on libido
No. Those are just topical acne medication creams. They don't have any effect on libido
Male Erectile Disorder

Is the recurrent inability to achieve or maintain an adequate erection until completion of sexual activity. It is not considered male erectile disorder if it is merely an occasional problem or if it does not create distress and interpersonal difficulty.

Chronically or repeatedly, the patient cannot get or keep an erection sufficient to complete the sexual activity.

Except for another Sexual Dysfunction.

It is not directly caused by substance use (medication or drug of abuse) or by a general medical condition.

It causes marked distress or interpersonal problems.

Associated Features:

Mood Disorders
Anxiety Disorders

Differential Diagnosis:

Some disorders have similar or even the same symptoms. The clinician, therefore, in his/her diagnostic attempt, has to differentiate against the following disorders which need to be ruled out to establish a precise diagnosis.

Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder


It can be due to psychological or a combination of psychological and physical factors, and it can occur in most or just some settings. For some, the onset occurs at a specific time in life (acquired) as in response to a specific situation. For others, it may be of lifelong duration. Erectile disorders may accompany a fear of failure. Sometimes this disorder is present throughout life. In many cases the erectile failure is intermittent and sometimes dependent upon the type of partner or the quality of the relationship.


Psychosocial factors are important in all forms of erectile dysfunction. Careful attention to these issues and attempts to relieve sexual anxieties should be a part of the therapeutic intervention for all patients with erectile dysfunction. Psychotherapy and/or behavioral therapy alone may be helpful for some patients in whom no organic cause of erectile dysfunction is detected. Other forms of treatment may involve:Injection of vasodilating drugs into the penis. penile prosthesis or implants, vascular surgery and vacuum device therapy.

Counseling and Psychotherapy [ See General Therapy Section - Sex Therapy Section ]:

The treatment of sexual desire/aversion/arousal/pain/orgasm disorders generally involves behavioral techniques.

Pharmacotherapy [ See Psychopharmacology Section ] :

A trial of androgen replacement may be worthwhile in men with low serum testosterone levels if there are no other contraindications. In contrast, for men who have normal testosterone levels, androgen therapy is inappropriate and may carry significant health risks, especially in the situation of unrecognized prostate cancer. If androgen therapy is indicated, it should be given in the form of intramuscular injections of testosterone enanthate or cypionate.

Medical & Other:

Injection of vasodilator substances into the corpora of the penis has provided a new therapeutic technique for a variety of causes of erectile dysfunction.

Vacuum constriction devices may be effective at generating and maintaining erections in many patients with erectile dysfunction and these appear to have a low incidence of side effects.

Three forms of penile prostheses are available for patients who fail with or refuse other forms of therapy: semi rigid , malleable, and inflatable.
There are many 70 year old men who have very healthy sex drives, so you are not like them. You are too young to worry about such things anyway. Concentrate on doing well in school and the other stuff will work itself out as you progress through puberty.