I accidentally hit a dog with my car...?


Jul 6, 2008
I was driving on a very busy university (college) street,
where the speed limits was about 40 at one place.

I got to the part of the street where it was leading to downtown
and has no street lights.
and it was about 7PM and dark by now,
so the only light illuminating and showing the way of a car are the headlights.
I was upset to see a person walking so calmly and slowly across
such a busy street in the such a dark area... it was SO hard to see them.

It was only a few seconds later of me driving
that I saw some small animal appear by my wheel, in my headlights,
a very small creature I was first confused to think was maybe
a large rodent or something... the size of a cat.

But it was actually a dog.
When I saw the cute creature's scurrying in my headlights,
it was much too late for me to do anything. It was probably
two feet in front of my right front wheel...
and I did react by trying to swerve off to the side a bit
but heard the sound of the dog hit my car. x'(
It was much too close to my car for me to do anything.
By the time I saw it, it went right under my wheel.

... It's a dark and busy street
and I felt so bewildered and frightened... and guilty...

It was very cold tonight
Plus I'm 6 months pregnant
and had so much trouble walking and getting into my car before driving off...
I have been in so much pain and walking is very difficult for me.
I thought that it would be appropriate for me to have stopped my car
and checked on the dog,

but like I said, it was a busy street that was dark,
and it is comprised of two lanes that merge into one lane.
If I got out of the car, I'd REALLY put myself in danger (I'm pregnant!)
Plus there were definitely people behind me driving too...
I just knew that the dog maybe had been driven over multiple times
within just a few seconds of me hitting it.
There would probably be very little I could do for the dog.

I thought of calling the police or something too, but like I said,
the dog was so little and think! I must have ran right over it...
probably TWICE because there are two right-side wheels! *CRIES*
And then it was SO DARK the people behind me must have driven right
over it too... they wouldn't have seen it in the distance or anything
because the scene isn't lit...

... so I kept driving off but thinking about how I hit that poor little dog.
I just thought how I so wish that dog was a bit smarter and aware that
I was a car... or maybe that it didn't stop right in front of my wheel;
if it had been just a little bit faster it would have gone under my car and still be alive and unharmed.
Or maybe that if it had an owner that its owner would have been there... :(

I am writing this because I feel terrible.
I don't think there was an owner nearby.

GOSH... I can't stop thinking about that dog.
I even think of what I would do if my baby were born...
Would he cry? At that point, would it be appropriate for me as a mom
to show him that it's important to show care toward animals?

... what are your responses? what do you think about the situation?