I accept that my friend is an Atheist, but she always complains about me being a


New member
Nov 5, 2011
Christian, what do I do? She always complains bout how Christianity is a lie, and I used to just ignore her but ot's really annoying! She crossed the line when she said that the Christian camp i go to is aimed at kids! I accept her not believing but I think it's just rude that she moans about Christians (and other religions too). What do I say to her?
that she has to accept what you believe in and stop being a b*tch. she's setting a very bad example.
Before taking action, first check your own actions from an objective viewpoint. Do you talk about church, God, Jesus, etc? Do you roll your eyes or sigh when she vents about the constant bombardment of Christianity?
It can be very wearying to have God thrust at us ALL the time. Your friend may just be venting to her friend and completely have spaced out that you would be offended.
That said, it is no more acceptable for her to rag on Christianity than it is for you to preach about God to her. A polite but honest statement will probably remind her that it hurts your feelings. "I accept that you do not believe but please don't be insulting." or something. (Note of warning: religiondoes not just exist on sunday, it is a worldview, a lens through which we see the world. It will change how you see things compared to how your friend sees them. "I don't get it?" offends some Christians where it is just an honest inquiry from an atheist.)
She's obviously a bad friend, leave her. I'm not religious or Atheist and I'm fine with other peoples points of view as long as their nice people :) Everyone should get along. She'll get the message if ya just stop being her friend. She'snot worth it