I’m a 22 years old male and I met a 17 close to 18 female. Is this wrong?

nothing wrong in meeting them
just leave the dating to KIDS her own AGE
No, there is nothing wrong with this at all. Me and my fiancee started dating when I was 17 and he was 21, and we are still together almost 4 years later. People used to tease us all the time but we just blew it off. It's not even a big deal. Now I can see if she was like 15 or 16 and you were 22 now thats not cool. I mean she is almost legal, don't worry about it at all. I wish ya'll the best of luck
nothin is wrong with age man! i've been tellin ppl this all the time, u should ask her out b/c u like her, and age shouldnt be stoppin u
Nothing really wrong with it dude, but if you want to be on the safe side just wait till she's 18. You said yourself she'll be 18 soon so you could at least wait till then, in the mean time get to know her more as a person, what she likes to do, things like that, there's nothing wrong with just talking. You don't want something like this to come back and bit you in the a$$ later, especially if you get her upset or something she could turn it around on you. Hang in there, wait it out.
dont tell me your related,are you just saying you 22,i will report you