hurricane/tropical storm


Feb 21, 2008
everyone whos in florida, yall prepared for the tropical storm/hurricane coming this week?

our school got canceled for 2 days
you seriously got out of school for a tropical storm? grow some balls, america
Yeah they definitely do, lol. I work at a grocery store and it's been great watching all the people flip out over it. It's a freaking tropical storm. Hurricanes don't get me worried unless it's a cat 5.
yeah, all schools have off. it's suppose to be a level 1 sometime tomorrow. until then, it's just a shitty tropical storm. no big deal
i'm still going to work, i DGAF and i need money. (anyone who says "yall" should be shot.)
I'll only get hit if it veers off to the left of the projected path. I don't think I have much to worry about though.
Its not even bad enough to put up the shutters :tdown:

My kids are missing the first two days of school :moretdown:
I have my first day of school off so really we're just starting one day late. Personally, I'd rather just go to school.
when katrina hit South florida as a category one or two, it tore the shit out of my neighborhood. destroyed my patio, took the screened enclosure and threw it on top of our house, knocked over tons of trees, knocked out power for over 2 weeks, and shot shingles into the floor. i dont know what part of florida you live in but that was only a cat 2 and it fucked us up bad.
Imagine living in the area of Katrina's second landfall :tdown:

At landfall it was a Cat 3-4. To whoever said they don't worry unless its a 5- a slowing moving 3 can do as much damage as a 5. Exposure to winds, constant rainfall, and the tornado potential are bad when you hit 3 and up. Thats just for people inland, not mentioning the effects it has on people in low areas and coastal regions.

They call school for thunderstorms if they see them coming ahead of time, and if they're strong enough. Tropical Storms pose problems to transportation to and from school, so they just call them. Between wind and wet roads its just too much of a risk for a day or two of school.
Im having an all American hurricane day adventure tomorrow. Taking out the 4-wheelers and swimming during the winds and rain. Maybe some skim in the flooded yards. Yes! Thinking about doing the hookah outside of starbucks and just watching the weather to?

I don't start school until next week so it doesn't have any effect on that.

edit: I live near tampa, so its prob not going to be a direct hit. But close enough.