Hunting With Pellet gun in WA?


May 26, 2008
I have an air rifle that's pretty powerful ( shoots 0.22 caliber at ~ 900 FPS). I did some research and found out that i can still hunt rock dove, Opossum, starling, House sparrow... in WA. So all i want to know is are there any places that are available for me to come to hunt those (especially Rock Dove). I do have hunter license and the permit, just wondering where i can start my hunting. I live in Seattle by the way, so any places that near Seattle would be great. Please let me know if you are really know it, and don't answer the question if you hate hunting since i'm trying to enjoy hunting right now. Thank you
How do you sleep at night after you killed an. Inicent animal you deserve to burn. In hell. For. Your. Sins