Human swine Influenza

Could well be according to this website

Maybe it is engineered or that it is a natural strain. Either way it is looking like we may end up with cheaper bacon or staying in our homes for a few weeks.
Nature can create potent viruses without our input. As for the increased death rate in Mexico before we start down the road of 'beta testing of a race specific bio weapon' I would suggest the much more likely explanations are:

1. Poor medical facilities for the general public and even poorer access to medical facilities in Mexico.
2. The possibility of more dangerous strains having developed in Mexico.
3. Many more cases have been recorded in Mexico making the chances of people dieing much higher. If the mortality rate is 2% you would be unlikely to see deaths in countries with 1 or 2 cases but in a country with thousands of infected people you will see deaths.

It's really not time for the conspiracy theories yet.
I think its being played up too much. I was reading up about it at school and there's still less than 30 confirmed deaths by the flu. But people die of normal flu and anti viral drugs seem to work. Likely or not I'm wondering if it is race specific which I think is possible since it was made in mexico. Maybe in a few weeks it'll mutate in europe and then become deadly worldwide?

Clamour to be saved. Let the experts tell you exactly what to do.

Jesus, I feel like i'm in a bad episode of the twilight zone sometimes.

Funny SP535 mentioned race specific because the avian flu seemed to "like" people of oriental descent.
That's because it's a giant government conspiracy.

And I'd rather listen to the experts than some random bloke on the internet to be honest
But the random internet person is fun. They are full of half baked ideas and a cracked pot of supposition.

Much like the cooking and dinner service I got in a hotel once.
lol, you have to love Dhalsim-on's reasoning skills. Avian flu kills a load of Asia, must be a racially discriminatory illness, it's the only logical explanation!!!
I think I'm going to take out shares in companies dealing with dettol, face masks and post apocalyptic media. Then spend the proceeds on a self contained island in the pacific from which I will repopulate the earth with the help of a few lucky lady volunteers.
You could have an X-Factor style show to see who the lucky ladies will be! I'm not going to insult your intelligence and tell you what the show should be called...
I never said I thought it was created as a race specific bioweapon, if I did think that, I'd have no qualms in telling you so!