Human extinction good/bad? Discuss.?


New member
Jan 25, 2011
I personally think it's good. I think sex is immoral for a ton of reasons, but we're not talking about that right now. Extinction by old age= end of suffering for humanity/ end of planet's destruction/end of deaths. Producing new children = treating humans like objects since they will inevitably suffer and die at one point in their lives. I vote 2012 good. Too bad it ain't happening.
oh yes, forgot. You can make a distinction between extinction by old age and wipe out by like a nuke or something.
I hear your point but just for the fact that I don't want to die and there are plenty of good people alive today that deserve life just as much as you do. I do agree that the planet would be better off without us but that doesn't mean we should be wiped out. Try to live your life to the fullest man as no one is promised tomorrow. Also, you don't know how it is on the other side.