Human Cloning?


New member
Mar 27, 2008
Hi MAPers

With the clainm today by the Raelians, a religeous sect of some 55,000 people, that they have sucessfully produced the 1st human clone baby - what are your views on this?

1st Human Clone Baby born Dec 26th
Its a good step if it can help further medical science and such. I can only see it leading to things like 'designer babies' though.
Well speaking as a mother I dont think that this should be done at all.

You can't go around creating a child that may look exactly like the child or person lost , you cant go around creating a child just for the sake of saving another child's life either, And who has the right to say they are perfect enough to have another version of them created A child is an individual and should be treasured in that way an INDIVIDUAL . God forbid if anything ever happened to any of my children sure yes id wish more than anything to have them back but Never would i resort to something like that.
Can you imagine the expectations that would be landed on the child's head for rest of its life knowing they were there purely to replace another or there purely to give life to another NO NO NO.

There are so many inocent children children desperate for a loving family but nobody wants them, and so many desperate couples desperate to adopt but the goverment makes it sooo hard, thats what needs to be dealt with, leave mother nature to take it's course , we mess with nature one day we will pay.


excuse any spelling mistakes PLEASE .
--- That just about sums it up for me Clare. I can see where cloning has it's place in medical research - but not the creation of new people.
If they actually created a healthy clone then we have a lot to be happy about. Clones suffer from many biological disorders pertaining to shortened telomers and high rates of mutation(has to do with our current cloning techniques and understanding of cells).
If the child is healthy then the Raelians have solved some of the bigger problems in biology today and have paved the way for extending natural lifespans (telomers are important in life length) and making us more resistant to disease by controlling genetic mutation rates.

That being said, I really do not believe that they have a clone. If a whole world of scientists cant get this tech to a satisfactory point then how did a small cult of alien worshipers?
If they did by some chance create one then it is going to be pretty screwed up and will probably have a rather short and painful life
Always remember that all Doctors used to be Medical Students: and we`ve all heard about medical students
The Clone Wars will come next. Watch out.

I think it is need to be carefully monitored. I can understand them wanting to prove it can be done, but I think it should be left there. If they want to clone, then bring back the dodo, etc. Clone a few pandas. Some species that are dead or dying. Maybe we can create an island and put some dinosaurs on it - I don;t forsee a problem with that.
We shouldnt be cloning anything animals are extinct for a reason again leave mother nature alown, We shouldnt even need to prove it possable.

whats next? they gonna use these colones to create the super human genome soldier? hehehe

metal gear solid anyone?
Guess its time to trade in my long staff for a light saber. Atleast I don't have to go looking for Yoda on some swampy planet...
(start star wars theme song and fade to black as clone armies march towards the sunset)