how would you describe a ferris wheel and a haunted house?( this is for the


New member
Oct 30, 2011
book im writing)? im making a book so theres this chapter were they will go to an amusement park and will ride a ferris wheel and will go to a horror booth could you give me some ideas on how i will describe it? thanks

sorry for my bad english guys
Ferris Wheel: The ferris wheel was quite large, in fact larger than any other they had ever ridden before. Someone would be able to watch the entire city from it's peak. The seats were made out of red leather and there were some colorful lights going around its perimeter, while cheerful music made it appear like the most joyful ride in the park.
Horror Booth: The horror booth didnt look so promising but judging from the people's faces when they exited it, it had to be good. Its entrance was big, made to appear like a cemetery door from black metal. A plastic skeleton with a black cloak stood at the left side, welcoming the soon-to-be-horrified visitors with his scythe. Evil laughs and the sound of hustling wind echoed around.
I hope I helped you, good luck.